Douglas WTP Lamella Clarifiers Opening


Aquatec Maxcon and MPA Engineering have now completed and handed over the new Lamella Clarifiers at the Douglas Water Treatment Plant. At a combined capacity of 177 MLD, this is the largest lamella clarifier installation done by Aquatec Maxcon to date. It has the ability to treat the equivalent of 3 Olympic sized swimming pools worth of raw water from Ross River every hour. The importance of the project in providing water securities for the drinking water of Townsville has been recognised by Townsville City Council at the highest level. On 18th April 2023, our Managing Director Peter Ferrando attended the official opening of the new clarifiers with the Mayor of Townsville, Cr Jenny Hill.
We thank BMD Group and Townsville City Council for the opportunity for Aquatec Maxcon and MPA Engineering to play a key part in this project. It continues our history as a proud contributor to Northern Queensland, which only recently includes major work at Charters Towers Water Treatment Plant, Bowen Sewage Treatment Plant, and ongoing work at Freshwater Creek Water Treatment Plant.

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