Chinchilla Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Western Downs Regional Council has awarded the contract to design & construct the upgrade 1.725MLD Chinchilla WWTP to Aquatec Maxcon.

As a result of an estimated population growth in the region, Aquatec Maxcon has provided the proprietary ‘Hybrid Biological Nutrients Removal’ (HBNR) process.

The HBNR process has been successfully verified in both Miles and Wandoan WWTP's for the same council.

HBNR Leinster 270x203

The plant upgrade will be designed to include:

  • Inlet Works
  • Biological Reactors utilising our unique Hybrid Biological Nutrient Reduction technology.
  • Biological Phosphorous removal.
  • Aerobic sludge Digestion.
  • Chemical dosing including Lime and sodium hypochlorite.
  • Sludge Dewatering System (Centrifuge) including polymer dosing.
  • New irrigation lagoon.

Some of the highlights of the technologies to be provided by Aquatec Maxcon include:

  •  High efficiency AquaBlade diffuser and fine bubble aeration system for the bioreactor
  • High reliability Gas Locked Syphon Decanter
  • High efficiency AquaStar surface aerator for aerobic digester

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