Aquatec Maxcon Charity Fundraiser 2014

Every year, Aquatec Maxcon hold an annual fundraiser to raise money for various charitable organisations.

We leave it up to our staff to decide on the organisation that will benefit from the fundraiser, and for the second year running, they have chosen to donate 100% of the proceeds raised to The Movember Foundation.

This is in aid of Men’s Health, to help improve the mental, physical and social health of boys and men in Australia, through education and understanding of how their health is shaped by the various aspects of their lives.

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In the first Movember fundraiser we held last year, we got some of our more established staff members to shave off their Mo's, some of which had been maintained for over 30 years!

This year, we held a great big BBQ and a raffle with prizes very kindly donated by our suppliers. Aquatec Maxcon Group and our staff were instrumental in raising over $1000 for The Movember Foundation.

Aquatec Maxcon would like to sincerely thank all of our staff for purchasing raffle tickets and suppliers for donating prizes, thanks to them the event was a great success, and a very worthy organisation has benefited from everyone involved's generosity.

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