Aquatec Maxcon awarded the UV Design and Supply contract for Moe Wastewater Treatment Plant

Moe WWTP Trojan UVGippsland Water have awarded the contract at the Moe Wastewater Treatment Plant to Aquatec Maxcon for a new UV system from Trojan UV3000™plus.  Our solution provides the best Whole of Life cost. 

The UV3000™ Plus has low pressure lamp UV disinfection using energy efficient, high output Amalgam Lamps (250W).  The system features variable output lamp/ballast and electronic ballasts which enable the lamps to be driven at variable power settings, dependent of flow or effluent quality.  Subsequently, as flow increases or decreases, the power to the lamps will adjust proportionally.  As effluent quality improves (UVT%) the power settings are also automatically adjusted.  This eliminates the need for lamp/bank, on/off switching and provides more efficient control power usage.  The UV system will maintain continuous target disinfection due to inclusion of an automated cleaning system. 

The contract also includes disconnection, decommissioning and demolition of the existing UV reactor which could not deliver the required disinfection targets.

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