Aquatec Maxcon awarded Bowen Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade

October 2018 - Whitsunday Regional Council has awarded Aquatec Maxcon a Design and Construction contract to upgrade the Bowen Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). The project is part of the larger “Greening and Growing Bowen” program.

The current plant will be upgraded to incorporate a 14,000EP Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR), odour control, noise mitigation and aerobic biosolids stabilisation and recycled water facilities. Aquatec Maxcon has an established history with the Bowen STP, having installed the original oxidation ditch and clarifier in 1988 that is still in operation today.

Monita Naicker, Aquatec Maxcon State Manager for Queensland said, “This project has required some innovative and creative thinking from our team, which has offered Whitsunday Regional Council with improved outcomes for the Bowen STP. We are excited to work with WRC and continue building on our long standing presence within regional Queensland.”

Aquatec Maxcon is looking forward to work collaboratively with the Council, local businesses, and the community to successfully deliver the Bowen STP.

The Bowen STP upgrade is part-funded by the Federal Government Building Better Regions Funding program, a program which targets infrastructure development in regional areas. The project will enable the plant to treat a greater volume of increased quality recycled water to supply to the Bowen Recycled Water Network whilst greatly reducing the volume of treated effluent released into Port Denison and therefore reducing nutrient mass loading on the natural environment.

Existing BSTP Clarifier Thumb             BSTP Site Thumb            



Maxcon Industries wins Fabricator of the Year Award, 2018

05 December 2018.   Maxcon Industries, the manufacturing and fabrication division of the Aquatec Maxcon Group, has been presented with the Weld Australia Fabricator of the Year Award, 2018.

The award acknowledges the success of an Australian fabrication company who has demonstrated outstanding performance throughout the year, incorporating commercial and project achievements, delivery of innovation and community engagement.  Some of the criteria for the award included market and export success, dedication to health and safety, quality excellence, involvement in the community and commitment to the training and development of employees.

Maxcon Industries Manager, Paul Court, said “Maxcon Industries is very proud to receive this recognition from our industry peers.  It demonstrates that our ongoing efforts in the personal development of our staff, our quality of work and our overall business success is working. We are also proud that our developing school trade program and mentoring of smaller manufacturing businesses is being so well received.”

The Weld Australia Fabricator Award 2018, was presented to Maxcon Industries at the ASI (Australian Steel Institute) Steel Industry National Excellence Awards on 5th December in Sydney.

Maxcon Award Screen Thumbnail Group Pic Thumbnail
Paul Court accepting the award on behalf of Maxcon Industries   Paul Court with members of Weld Australia
Maxcon Award Team Thumbnail Maxcon Award Trophy Thumbnail
Some of the contributing members of the Maxcon Industries team 
The Weld Australia Fabricator Award presented to Maxcon Industries

92 tonne Digester roof lift milestone achieved

30 August 2018.  A project milestone was successfully achieved today when the removal lift of a 92 tonne Digester Roof was completed at the Gladstone Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), QLD. 

Aquatec Maxcon has been engaged as the Principal Contractor for the Design and Construction of a new Biosolids Handling facility at the Gladstone WWTP, with works involving the refurbishment of the existing digested sludge holding tank to a new Anaerobic Digester. The Gladstone Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade is being completed with assistance from the Queensland Government's Building our Regions program.

The existing sludge digester, a component of the larger Biosolids Handling plant, was originally designed and constructed for the Gladstone WWTP by Aquatec Maxcon in 1982.  When performing the original Digester roof lift and installation, it challenged the resources at the time, utilising all of the available six cranes in Gladstone. Thirty-six years later, the 80ft dia., 92 tonne (100 tonne with rigging) digester roof was efficiently removed with a single 500t crane lift in approximately fifteen minutes. The collaborative milestone took over a month of meticulous logistics and safety planning by Gladstone Regional Council, Principal Contractor Aquatec Maxcon and lift subcontractor LCR Group.    

Aquatec Maxcon congratulates everyone involved in the successful execution of this important milestone for the Gladstone WWTP Refurbishment project and in particular, for everyone’s teamwork and attention to site safety during the roof lift.

See below for a video of the roof removal, courtesy of Gladstone Regional Council.

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Aquatec Maxcon selected to deliver Nereda Technology for Sydney Water’s Quakers Hill WRP

Aquatec Maxcon is excited to be delivering the next Nereda® Plant in Australia for Sydney Water at Quakers Hill, NSW.

Sydney Water has selected Nereda® as the technology for the Quakers Hill Water Recycling Plant (WRP) upgrade, as part of the $450 million Lower South Creek Project. Once commissioned, Quakers Hill WRP will service 223,000 EP within the Western Sydney catchment.

The selection of Nereda® technology was based on trials that were carried out at Quakers Hill Plant in 2017 by Aquatec Maxcon; the results of which were successfully demonstrated to meet all of Sydney Water’s process requirements.

According to Mr Mark Simister, Head of Delivery Management at Sydney Water, “The results were impressive. Not only will this technology reduce Sydney Water’s carbon footprint, but the trial at Quakers Hill will lead to savings in capital which is a saving for all of Sydney Water’s customers.”  (Source: Utility Magazine).

Peter Ferrando, Aquatec Maxcon’s Managing Director said that “having delivered the award winning Kingaroy Nereda® Plant, we are looking forward to working with Sydney Water in the successful delivery of another Nereda® Project in Australia.”

Nereda® technology not only has capital benefits but also improves overall carbon footprint with significant reductions in operating costs. It is a sustainable alternative to activated sludge processes and is gaining worldwide prominence in the water industry. Aquatec Maxcon is the exclusive partner of Royal Haskoning DHV, the technology provider for delivering Nereda® within Australia and New Zealand. 

Nereda Pilot Plant



Aquatec Maxcon awarded Charters Towers Water Treatment Plant upgrade

Charters Towers Regional Council, Queensland, has awarded Aquatec Maxcon a contract for the design and construction of a Water Treatment Plant with the output capacity of 300 L/sec, ~21 ML/day.  

Aquatec Maxcon offered a solution for the upgrade project using conventional water treatment technology. The solution involves minimal disruption to the operation of the plant and to the region’s residents during construction.Charters Towers existing WTP

Future water demand projections and an already high water usage in the region, meant the existing treatment plant was not equipped for the regions requirements. The increased output capacity of the new plant will safeguard water availability and cater for the area’s development and growth.

Aquatec Maxcon Water Treatment Manager, Mohsen Mobarghei said “We look forward to delivering a successful project for Charters Towers Regional Council and improving the security of the water supply for the region”

Aquatec Maxcon has commenced preliminary design with practical completion scheduled for mid 2019.


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