Aquatec Maxcon selected to deliver Nereda Technology for Sydney Water’s Quakers Hill WRP

Aquatec Maxcon is excited to be delivering the next Nereda® Plant in Australia for Sydney Water at Quakers Hill, NSW.

Sydney Water has selected Nereda® as the technology for the Quakers Hill Water Recycling Plant (WRP) upgrade, as part of the $450 million Lower South Creek Project. Once commissioned, Quakers Hill WRP will service 223,000 EP within the Western Sydney catchment.

The selection of Nereda® technology was based on trials that were carried out at Quakers Hill Plant in 2017 by Aquatec Maxcon; the results of which were successfully demonstrated to meet all of Sydney Water’s process requirements.

According to Mr Mark Simister, Head of Delivery Management at Sydney Water, “The results were impressive. Not only will this technology reduce Sydney Water’s carbon footprint, but the trial at Quakers Hill will lead to savings in capital which is a saving for all of Sydney Water’s customers.”  (Source: Utility Magazine).

Peter Ferrando, Aquatec Maxcon’s Managing Director said that “having delivered the award winning Kingaroy Nereda® Plant, we are looking forward to working with Sydney Water in the successful delivery of another Nereda® Project in Australia.”

Nereda® technology not only has capital benefits but also improves overall carbon footprint with significant reductions in operating costs. It is a sustainable alternative to activated sludge processes and is gaining worldwide prominence in the water industry. Aquatec Maxcon is the exclusive partner of Royal Haskoning DHV, the technology provider for delivering Nereda® within Australia and New Zealand. 

Nereda Pilot Plant



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